Creating Mobile Apps With Xamarin Forms Pdf

کتاب Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms.pdf

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دانلود رایگان کتاب  Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms.pdf


Microsoft Press

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Table of contents

Introduction  viii

Who should read this book  viii

Conventions and features in this book  viii

The 1st and 2nd Preview Editions  ix

System requirements  ix

Downloads: Code samples  x

Updating the code samples  x

Big changes coming for Windows Phone  xi

Acknowledgments  xi

Free ebooks from Microsoft Press  xii

We want to hear from you  xii

Chapter 1 How does XamarinForms fit in?  1

Cross-platform mobile development  2

The mobile landscape 2

Problem 1: Different user-interface paradigms  2

Problem 2: Different development environments  3

Problem 3: Different programming interfaces  3

Problem 4: Different programming languages  3

The C# and NET solution  4

A single language for all platforms  5

Sharing code  6

Introducing XamarinForms  8

The XamarinForms option  8

XAML support  10

Platform specificity  12

A cross-platform panacea?  12

Your development environment  13 Machines and IDEs  13

Devices and emulators  14

Installation  14

Creating an iOS app  15

Creating an Android app  15

Creating a Windows Phone app  16

All ready?  16

Chapter 2 Anatomy of an app  17

Say hello  17

Inside the files  20

The iOS Project  23

The Android project  23

The Windows Phone project  24

Nothing special!  25

PCL or SAP?  25

Labels for text  27

1 Include padding on the page  31

2 Include padding just for iOS (Shared Asset Project only)  32

3 Include padding just for iOS (PCL or SAP)  33

4 Center the label within the page  35

5 Center the text within the label 37

Chapter 3 Deeper into text  38

Wrapping paragraphs  38

Text and background colors  40

The Color structure  42

Font sizes and attributes  46

Formatted text  47

Chapter 4 Scrolling the stack  54

Stacks of views  54

Scrolling content  58 The Expands option  64

Frame and BoxView  68

A Scroll View in a StackLayout?  76

Chapter 5 Dealing with sizes  81

Pixels, points, dps, DIPs, and DIUs  81

Metrical sizes  88

Estimated font sizes  89

Fitting text to available size  92

A fit-to-size clock  96

Empirically fitting text  98

Chapter 6 Button clicks  103

Processing the click  103

Sharing button clicks  106

Anonymous event handlers  109

Distinguishing views with IDs  111

Saving transient data  114

Chapter 7 XAML vs code  121

Properties and attributes  122

Property-element syntax 126

Adding a XAML page to your project  130

Platform specificity in the XAML file  135

The content property attribute  139

Formatted text  141

Chapter 8 Code and XAML in harmony  145

Passing arguments  145

Constructors with arguments  145

Can I call methods from XAML?  148

The x:Name attribute 150

Custom XAML-based views  156

Events and handlers  160Tap gestures163

Chapter 9 Platform-specific API calls  170

Preprocessing in the Shared Asset Project 170

Parallel classes and the Shared Asset Project 173

DependencyService and the Portable Class Library 175

Platform-specific sound rendering 179

Chapter 10 XAML markup extensions  186

The code infrastructure 186

Accessing static members 188

Resource dictionaries 194

StaticResource for most purposes 195

A tree of dictionaries 201

DynamicResource for special purposes 205

Lesser-used markup extensions 208

A custom markup extension 209

Chapter 11 The bindable infrastructure  214

The XamarinForms class hierarchy 215

A peek into BindableObject and BindableProperty 221

Defining bindable properties 228

The generic Create method 233

The read-only bindable property 234

Chapter 12 Styles  240

The basic Style 240

Styles in code246

Style inheritance 247

Implicit styles 252

Dynamic styles 257

Device styles 264

Chapter 13 Bitmaps  269

Platform-independent bitmaps 270Fit and fill  273

Embedded resources  275

More on sizing  281

Browsing and waiting  292

Streaming bitmaps  296

Accessing the streams  297

Generating bitmaps at run time  299

Platform-specific bitmaps  303

Bitmap resolutions  305

Toolbars and their icons  312

Button images  319

Chapter 14 Absolute layout  322

AbsoluteLayout in code  323

Attached bindable properties  328

Proportional sizing and positioning  332

Working with proportional coordinates  334

AbsoluteLayout and XAML  339

Overlays  343

Some fun  346

Chapter 15 The interactive interface  355

View overview 355

Slider and Stepper  356

Slider basics  356

Common pitfalls  359

Slider color selection  361

The Stepper difference  365

Switch and CheckBox  368

Switch basics  368

A traditional CheckBox 370

Typing text  375Keyboard and focus 376

Choosing the keyboard 377

Entry properties and events 379

The Editor difference 385

The SearchBar 389

Date and time selection 394

The DatePicker 395

The TimePicker (or is it a TimeSpanPicker?) 398

Chapter 16 Data binding  402

Binding basics 402

Code and XAML 404

Source and BindingContext 407

The binding mode 414

String formatting 419

Why is it called "Path"?422

Binding value converters 425

Bindings and custom views 433


This is the second Preview Edition of a book about writing applications for XamarinForms, the exciting new mobile development platform for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone unveiled by Xamarin in May 2014 XamarinForms lets you write shared user-interface code in C# and XAML (the Extensible Applica-tion Markup Language) that maps to native controls on these three platforms

This book is a Preview Edition because it's not complete It has only 16 chapters and doesn't cover some important topics The final edition of the book will probably be published in the summer of 2015

Who should read this book

This book is for C# programmers who want to write applications for the three most popular mobile platforms—iOS, Android, and Windows Phone—with a single code base XamarinForms also has ap-plicability for those programmers who want eventually to use C# and the XamariniOS and Xama-rinAndroid libraries to target the native application programming interfaces (APIs) of these platforms XamarinForms can be a big help in getting programmers started with these platforms or in construct-ing a prototype or proof-of-concept application

This book assumes that you know C# and are familiar with the use of the NET Framework However, when I discuss some C# and NET features that might be somewhat new to recent C# programmers, I adopt a somewhat slower pace

Conventions and features in this book

This book has just a few typographical conventions:

 All programming elements referenced in the text—including classes, methods, properties, varia-ble names, etc—are shown in a monospaced font, such as the StackLayout class

 Items that appear in the user interface of Visual Studio or Xamarin Studio, or the applications discussed in these chapters, appear in boldface, such as the Add New Project dialog

 Application solutions and projects also appear in boldface, such as MonkeyTap

System requirements

This book assumes that you'll be using XamarinForms to write applications that simultaneously target all three supported mobile platforms—iOS, Android, and Windows Phone However, it's very likely that many readers will be targeting only one or two platforms in their XamarinForms solutions The plat-forms you target—and the Xamarin Platform package you purchase—govern your hardware and soft-ware requirements For targeting iOS devices, you'll need a Mac installed with Apple Xcode as well as the Xamarin Platform, which includes Xamarin Studio For targeting Windows Phone, you'll need Visual Studio 2012 or later (not an Express Edition) on a PC, and you'll need to have installed the Xamarin Platform

However, you can also use Visual Studio on the PC to target iOS devices if the Mac with Xcode and the Xamarin Platform are accessible via WiFi You can target Android devices from Visual Studio on the PC or from Xamarin Studio on either the PC or Mac

Chapter 1 has more details on the various configurations you can use and resources for additional information and support My setup for creating this book consisted of a Microsoft Surface Pro 2 (with external monitor, keyboard, and mouse) installed with Visual Studio 2013 and the Xamarin Platform, connected by WiFi with a MacBook Pro installed with Xcode and the Xamarin Platform

All the screen shots in this book show an iPhone, an Android phone, and a Windows Phone in that order The three devices shown in these screen shots reflect my setup and hardware:

 The iPhone 6 simulator on the MacBook Pro running iOS 82

 An LG Nexus 5 running Android 51

 A Nokia Lumia 925 running Windows Phone 81

Some of the early screen shots in this book were from devices with somewhat earlier versions of the operating systems, for example Android 50 or 501 rather than 51

The XamarinForms programs in this book target the XamariniOS Unified API and the Windows Phone 80 Silverlight API (More about the Windows Phone API shortly)

How does XamarinForms fit in?

There is much joy in programming There is joy in analyzing a problem, breaking it down into pieces, formulating a solution, mapping out a strategy, approaching it from different directions, and crafting the code There is very much joy in seeing the program run for the first time, and then more joy in ea-gerly diving back into the code to make it better and faster

There is also often joy in hunting down bugs, in ensuring that the program runs smoothly and pre-dictably Few occasions are quite as joyful as finally identifying a particularly recalcitrant bug and defin-itively stamping it out

There is even joy in realizing that the original approach you took is not quite the best Many devel-opers discover that they've learned a lot writing a program, including that there's a better way to struc-ture the code Sometimes, a partial or even a total rewrite can result in a much better application The process is like standing on one's own shoulders, and there is much joy in attaining that perspective and knowledge

However, not all aspects of programming are quite so joyful One of the nastier programming jobs is taking a working program and rewriting it in an entirely different programming language or porting it to another operating system with an entirely different application programming interface (API)

A job like that can be a real grind Yet, such a rewrite may very well be necessary: an application that's been so popular on the iPhone might be even more popular on Android devices, and there's only one way to find out

But here's the problem: As you're going through the original source code and moving it to the new platform, do you maintain the same program structure so that the two versions exist in parallel? Or do you try to make improvements and enhancements?

The temptation, of course, is to entirely rethink the application and make the new version better But the further the two versions drift apart, the harder they will be to maintain in the future.

For this reason, a sense of dread envelopes the forking of one application into two With each line of code you write, you realize that all the future maintenance work, all the future revisions and en-hancements, have become two jobs rather than one.

This is not a new problem For over half a century, developers have craved the ability to write a sin-gle program that runs on multiple machines This is one of the reasons that high-level languages were invented in the first place, and this is why the concept of "cross-platform development" continues to exert such a powerful attraction for programmers.

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Creating Mobile Apps With Xamarin Forms Pdf


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