How to Catch Fish in Final Fantasy 15 Updated

How to Catch Fish in Final Fantasy 15

Name Stamina Power SP EXP AP Detail obtained Optimal lures Line-fishing spots Alstor Bass (small)
Alstor Bass.jpg 30000 1.2 14 x i Alstor Bass Basic Bomber: Flop, Colossal Tusk: Garulessa, Fatal Roulette: Ahriman Crestholm Reservoir, Swainsmere, Malacchi Swimming, Daurell Bound (daytime), Rachsia Span, Archaean's Mirror Alstor Bass (large)
Alstor Bass.jpg 60000 2.0 24 45 one Alstor Bass Bones Bomber: Bomb, Jumbo Tusk: Garulessa, Fatal Roulette: Ahriman Crestholm Reservoir, Neeglyss Pond, Swainsmere (night), Malacchi Pond, Daurell Jump (daytime/rainy), Rachsia Bridge (rainy), Neeglyss Towerfront, Archaean's Mirror Spiked Alstor Bass
( Spike Alstor Bass )
Spiked Alstor Bass.jpg 50000 1.8 20 15 1 Alstor Bass Basic Bomber: Thunder Bomb Malacchi Pond, Daurell Leap (daytime), Swainsmere Panther Bass
( Pantera Bass )
Panther Bass.jpg 65000 i.nine 22 twoscore 1 Bass Teeth Giant Needle ten,000: Gold Gigantuar The Vesperpool - Due west Depository financial institution, The Vesperpool - Cape Risorath Peacock Bass
Risorath Peacock Bass.jpg 130000 2.1 22 70 ii Bass Teeth Stinker: Dandy Malboro The Vesperpool - N Bank Phoenix Bass
Phoenix Bass.jpg 65000 ane.viii twenty 70 two Phoenix Bass Bladder Bomber: Thunder Bomb, Fatal Roulette: Bloody Middle Daurell Spring (daytime), The Vesperpool - Eastward Depository financial institution Redeye Bass
Redeye Bass.jpg 50000 ane.7 28 100 three Bass Eye Bomber: Thunder Bomb, Mog Rank: Rubygold Moogle Archaean'south Mirror (night/rainy), Daurell Spring Horned Bluegill
( Horn Bluegill )
Horned Bluegill.jpg 10000 1.0 five 10 1 Bluegill Scale Crestholm Reservoir, Neeglyss Pond, Swainsmere, Malacchi Pond, Neeglyss Towerfront, Forgotten Puddle Chipped Bluegill
Chipped Bluegill.jpg 20000 1.ane 8 10 1 Bluegill Scale Neeglyss Swimming, Swainsmere, Malacchi Swimming, Rachsia Span, Forgotten Pool (evening) Glimmering Bluegill
( Griller Bluegill )
Glimmering Bluegill.jpg 30000 1.2 10 15 ane Bluegill Scale The Vesperpool - Due east Banking concern, The Vesperpool - West Banking concern (nighttime) Shorthorn Bluegill
Shorthorn Bluegill.jpg 12000 1.2 12 xv one Bluegill Scale Neeglyss Swimming, Swainsmere, Neeglyss Towerfront (night), Forgotten Pool (night) Hookhorn Bluegill
( Bendhorn Bluegill )
Hookhorn Bluegill.jpg 14000 1.3 12 15 1 Bluegill Scale Malacchi Pond (nighttime), Forgotten Pool, Archaean's Mirror Lotus Bluegill
Lotus Bluegill.jpg 15000 1.iii twenty 25 1 Bluegill Scale The Vesperpool - East Banking concern, The Vesperpool - Northward Depository financial institution Fan Bluegill
( Red Fan Bluegill )
Fan Bluegill.jpg 40000 1.3 16 25 1 Bluegill Fin Behemothic Needle ten,000: Gold Gigantuar The Vesperpool - West Banking concern (night/rainy), The Vesperpool - North Banking concern (rainy) Butterfly Bluegill
( Azul Fan Bluegill )
Butterfly Bluegill.jpg 50000 1.iii 24 40 2 Bluegill Fin Behemothic Needle 10,000: Gold Gigantuar The Vesperpool - North Banking company Snakehead
Snakehead.jpg 50000 ane.3 eighteen xv 1 Snakehead Teeth Poppeck: White Chocobo, Stinker: Malboro Malacchi Pond, Daurell Spring (daytime), Saxham Reservoir Phantom Snakehead
Phantom Snakehead.jpg 80000 2.0 18 xv 1 Snakehead Teeth Knife T. Tonberry Malacchi Pond (nighttime/rainy) Garnet Snakehead
Garnet Snakehead.jpg 60000 1.7 20 xl 1 Snakehead Teeth Poppeck: Blood-red Chocobo, Jumbo Tusk: Garula Malacchi Pond, Daurell Spring (daytime), The Vesperpool - W Bank Jade Snakehead
Jade Snakehead.jpg 70000 1.9 24 85 2 Snakehead Scales Stinker: Great Malboro, Behemothic Needle x,000: Gigantuar, Giant Needle 10,000: Gold Gigantuar, Jumbo Tusk: Green Garula Daurell Spring (night/rainy), The Vesperpool - East Banking concern (night) Sapphire Snakehead
Sapphire Snakehead.jpg 90000 2.ane 30 140 3 Snakehead Scales Stinker: Neat Malboro, Giant Needle 10,000: Metal Gigantuar, Giant Needle x,000: Gold Gigantuar The Vesperpool - E Bank (morning), The Vesperpool - West Bank Opal Snakehead
Opal Snakehead.jpg 300000 3.2 32 150 3 Snakehead Scales Needle ane,000: Gold Cactuar Daurell Stills (night) Lucian Catfish
( Lucis Catfish )
Lucian Catfish.jpg 50000 i.ii sixteen 20 1 Catfish Barbel Needle 1,000: Cactuar, Needle 1,000: Metal Cactuar Crestholm Reservoir (night), Neeglyss Swimming (dark), Swainsmere (night), Malacchi Swimming (nighttime), Neeglyss Towerfront (night) Striped Catfish
( Banded Catfish )
Striped Catfish.jpg 60000 i.four 24 twoscore 1 Catfish Mucus Needle ane,000: Cactuar, Needle 1,000: Gold Cactuar Daurell Spring (nighttime), Archaean's Mirror (nighttime) Spotted Catfish
( Mottled Catfish )
Spotted Catfish.jpg 65000 1.8 thirty seventy two Catfish Mucus Burrower: Mad Pinkish Sandworm, Stormer: Focalor Saxham Reservoir (night), Forgotten Pool (dark) Aureate Catfish
Golden Catfish.jpg 100000 30 120 iii Catfish Barbel Needle ane,000: Gold Cactuar Crestholm Reservoir (night), The Vesperpool - East Depository financial institution (night), The Vesperpool - West Depository financial institution (night) Grim Catfish
( Grimmy Catfish )
Grim Catfish.jpg 150000 2.0 35 80 3 Poisonous Catfish Fin Needle ane,000: Aureate Cactuar Archaean's Mirror (evening/rainy) Lurking Catfish
( Lurk Catfish )
Lurking Catfish.jpg 200000 2.8 38 lxxx iii Poisonous Catfish Fin Giant Needle 10,000: Gold Gigantuar Daurell Stills (night) Giant Catfish
( Magna Catfish )
Giant Catfish.jpg 550000 three.4 34 240 four Catfish Heart Needle 1,000: Gold Cactuar, Invincible Atomic number 26 Giant The Vesperpool - North Bank (night), The Vesperpool - Cape (dark) Rex Catfish
King Catfish.jpg 450000 2.5 35 500 seven Catfish Eye Invincible Fe Giant Neeglyss Swimming (dark), Swainsmere Vesper Gar
Vesper Gar.jpg 180000 3.5 30 300 5 Vesper Gar Fillet Stinker: Malboro, Stinker: Malbodoom, Giant Needle 10,000: Golden Gigantuar, Ranker Tonberry The Vesperpool - Eastward Banking concern (morning), The Vesperpool - West Banking company (morning) Spotted Devil Gar
( Spot Devil Gar )
Spotted Devil Gar.jpg 600000 ii.7 38 650 7 Devil Gar Fillet Invincible Atomic number 26 Giant The Vesperpool - Islet Barbaric Gar
Barbaric Gar.jpg 450000 3.5 38 650 11 Gar Fin Large Blaze Bahamut The Vesperpool - Greatcoat Pinkish Jade Gar
( Pinkish Evil Gar )
Pink Jade Gar.jpg 300000 5.iv forty 800 11 Jade Gar Mirrorscale Big Chief Typhon Daurell Leap Noble Arapaima
( Noble Pirarucu )
Noble Arapaima.jpg 1100000 2.iii 44 1000 xiii Arapaima Scales Stinker: Keen Malboro, Giant Needle 10,000: Gold Gigantuar The Vesperpool - East Bank (morning) Majestic Arapaima
Regal Arapaima.jpg 1300000 3.5 48 900 13 Large Arapaima Scales Poppeck: Chocobo, Stinker: Great Malboro The Vesperpool - North Bank (morn) Lucian Carp
( Lucis Bother )
Lucian Carp.jpg 690000 ane.v 34 450 half dozen Lucian Carp Fillet Fatal Roulette: Ahriman Crestholm Reservoir (night), Saxham Reservoir (night) Bronze Lucian Carp
( Lucis Koi - Lacquer Mix )
Bronze Lucian Carp.jpg 700000 1.6 34 450 vi Lucian Carp Fillet Whiskers: Pearly Moogle Saxham Reservoir (night) Gilt Lucian Carp
( Lucis Koi - Golden Dolphin )
Gold Lucian Carp.jpg 720000 1.eight 48 1000 thirteen Lucian Carp Reverscales Fatal Roulette: Floating Center Saxham Reservoir Silver Lucian Bother
( Lucis Koi - Platinum )
Silver Lucian Carp.jpg 730000 38 600 11 Lucian Carp Rowscales Whiskers: Crystal Saxham Reservoir (nighttime) Sunny Lucian Carp
( Lucis Koi - Sun )
Sunny Lucian Carp.jpg 740000 i.7 38 600 11 Lucian Carp Rowscales Fatal Roulette: Bloody Eye Saxham Reservoir Cloudy Lucian Carp
( Lucis Koi - Snowfall Spot )
Cloudy Lucian Carp.jpg 750000 1.6 38 600 11 Lucian Carp Rowscales Whiskers: Chocolate Saxham Reservoir (night/rainy) Marble Lucian Carp
( Lucis Koi - Longevity Tricolor )
Marble Lucian Carp.jpg 700000 i.7 38 600 11 Lucian Bother Rowscales Stormer: Focalor Saxham Reservoir (morning/rainy) Amber Lucian Carp
( Lucis Koi - Ruby-red Vi Crest )
Amber Lucian Carp.jpg 710000 one.9 38 600 11 Lucian Carp Rowscales Hot Breather: Ruddy Dragon Saxham Reservoir (morning) Sunrise Lucian Carp
( Lucis Koi - Cherry Clothing )
Sunrise Lucian Carp.jpg 720000 one.8 38 600 11 Lucian Carp Rowscales Stormer: Purple Berry Focalor Saxham Reservoir (evening) Sunset Lucian Carp
( Lucis Koi - Twilight )
Sunset Lucian Carp.jpg 730000 2.5 34 450 6 Lucian Carp Fillet Hot Sabbatical: Dark-green Dragon The Vesperpool - Islet (evening), The Vesperpool - Islet (nighttime) Dusk Lucian Carp
( Lucis Koi - Mysterious Pine Needle )
Dusk Lucian Carp.jpg 740000 2.2 34 450 6 Lucian Carp Fillet Stormer: Chert Focalor Saxham Reservoir (night) Dawn Lucian Bother
( Lucis Koi - Daybreak )
Dawn Lucian Carp.jpg 850000 2.0 38 600 11 Lucian Bother Rowscales Hot Sabbatical: Blue Dragon Crestholm Reservoir (forenoon) Duscaen Dace
( Duscae Dace )
Duscaen Dace.jpg 10000 8 ten 1 Dace Scales Fatal Roulette: Bloody Centre, Gemlight: Caster Carbuncle Crestholm Reservoir, Saxham Reservoir River Dace
River Dace.jpg 16000 1.5 8 10 1 Dace Scales Whiskers: Pearly Moogle The Maidenwater (dark) Specular Dace
( Speculum Dace )
Specular Dace.jpg 15000 1.3 viii 10 one Dace Scales Bomber: Flop Forgotten Pool Mud Dace
Mud Dace.jpg 12500 1.2 eight 10 1 Dace Scales Burrower: Dark-green Sandworm Swainsmere (nighttime/rainy), Malacchi Pond (night) Pale Dace
Pale Dace.jpg 18000 1.5 8 10 ane Dace Scales Poppeck: Chocobo, Poppeck: White Chocobo Rachsia Bridge Vesper Dace
Vesper Dace.jpg 21000 1.iii 8 ten 1 Dace Scales Behemothic Needle ten,000: Gold Gigantuar The Vesperpool - Due north Banking concern, The Vesperpool - Cape Cavern Dace
Cave Dace.jpg 25000 1.three 8 ten i Dace Scales Burrower: Completeness Worm Daurell Stills Wennath Dace
Wennath Dace.jpg 28000 i.5 8 10 1 Dace Scales Poppeck: Chocobo, Poppeck: White Chocobo Rachsia Bridge (night) Regal Dace
( Regulus Dace )
Regal Dace.jpg 440000 2.0 viii 10 i Dace Scales Fatal Roulette: Floating Eye, Fatal Roulette: Bloody Middle, Gemlight: Caster Carbuncle Saxham Reservoir (night) Cascade Dace
( Cataracta Dace )
Cascade Dace.jpg 25000 i.ii 8 10 ane Dace Scales Hot Breather: Blueish Dragon Myrlwood Falls Coeurl Dace
Coeurl Dace.jpg 32000 1.3 8 10 1 Dace Scales Giant Needle ten,000: Gold Gigantuar The Vesperpool - Cape Sandy Dace
( Vadum Dace )
Sandy Dace.jpg 26000 1.4 8 10 1 Dace Scales Bomber: Bomb River Wennath (night) Rainbow Trout (small)
Rainbow Trout.jpg 30000 i.0 sixteen 10 ane Trout Fillet Tidal Might Leviathan, Whiskers: Pearly Moogle, Knife T. Tonberry Forgotten Pool, River Wennath, The Maidenwater Rainbow Trout (big)
Rainbow Trout.jpg 50000 1.8 22 10 2 Trout Fillet Tidal Might Leviathan, Whiskers: Pearly Moogle, Knife T. Tonberry Forgotten Pool, River Wennath, The Maidenwater Cleigne Dark-brown Trout (small)
Cleigne Brown Trout.jpg 30000 1.ii 14 35 1 Trout Fillet Burrower: Mad Pinkish Sandworm, Burrower: Completeness Worm Myrlwood Falls (forenoon/day), The Maidenwater (evening) Cleigne Dark-brown Trout (big)
Cleigne Brown Trout.jpg 80000 1.9 24 35 2 Trout Fillet Burrower: Mad Pink Sandworm, Burrower: Abyss Worm Myrlwood Falls (morning/24-hour interval) Lambent Trout
( Lamina Trout )
Lambent Trout.jpg 50000 ii.2 xx fifteen 1 Trout Scales Whiskers: Pearly Moogle, Gemlight: Pulley Carbuncle Forgotten Pool (evening), Myrlwood Falls (evening) Maiden Brook Trout
( Meda Brook Trout )
Maiden Brook Trout.jpg 40000 1.three xx 15 i Trout Fillet Mortiferous Waters: Seadevil, Hot Breather: Green Dragon The Maidenwater, Myrlwood Falls Callatein Brook Trout
Callatein Brook Trout.jpg 70000 1.6 25 eighty 3 Trout Fillet Burrower: Green Sandworm, Whiskers: Chocolate River Wennath (evening), Myrlwood Falls Chrome Rainbow Trout
Chrome Rainbow Trout.jpg 80000 1.8 30 100 2 Trout Fillet Hot Sabbatical: Blue Dragon River Wennath (night), Myrlwood Falls Leopard Trout
Leopard Trout.jpg 100000 2.iv 22 15 1 Trout Scales Large Blaze Bahamut The Vesperpool - Islet (morning) Cherrycomb Trout
Cherrycomb Trout.jpg 40000 1.2 eighteen 15 1 Trout Fillet Whiskers: Crystal River Wennath, Cygillan Bounding main (majestic vessel) Morion Trout
( Cairngorm Trout )
Morion Trout.jpg 90000 2.6 26 75 three Morion Trout Scales Hot Breather: Green Dragon Myrlwood Falls (night) Rex Trout
( Lord Trout )
King Trout.jpg 120000 iii.two 32 180 4 Male monarch Trout Fillet Hot Breather: Green Dragon, Big Blaze Bahamut The Vesperpool - Islet (rainy) Platinum Myrltrout
( Merlot Platinum Trout )
Platinum Myrltrout.jpg 100000 three.3 32 200 4 Platinum Myrltrout Fillet Gemlight: Pulley Carbuncle Myrlwood Falls (morning time/twenty-four hours), Cygillan Bounding main (royal vessel) Nebula Salmon
Nebula Salmon.jpg 80000 2.2 26 55 1 Nebula Salmon Fillet Deadly Waters: Sahagin, Hot Breather: Green Dragon, Hot Sabbatical: Blueish Dragon, Knife T. Tonberry, Big Blaze Bahamut Rachsia Span (rainy), The Maidenwater (evening), Cygillan Ocean (royal vessel) Great Nebula Salmon
( Fortis Nebula Salmon )
Great Nebula Salmon.jpg 160000 iii.2 24 50 ane Nebula Salmon Fillet Hot Breather: Greenish Dragon The Maidenwater (evening) Argus Salmon
Argus Salmon.jpg 120000 ii.eight 28 80 3 Salmon Fin Whiskers: Chocolate River Wennath Wennath Salmon
Wennath Salmon.jpg 100000 2.5 32 220 4 Wennath Salmon Fillet Hot Breather: Red Dragon Rachsia Bridge (morning), Cygillan Sea (royal vessel) Dank Barramundi
( Weed Barramundi )
Dank Barramundi.jpg 57500 1.two fourteen 15 1 Dank Barramundi Fillet Bomber: Flop, Bomber: Thunder Bomb Neeglyss Towerfront, Archaean's Mirror Crag Barramundi
Crag Barramundi.jpg 50000 1.6 22 xxx ane Barramundi Fillet Sweet Jamming: Custard, Tidal Might Leviathan, Bomber: Water ice Flop, Ranker Tonberry Neeglyss Pond, Swainsmere, The Vesperpool - East Bank, Neeglyss Towerfront, Cygillan Sea (imperial vessel) Rock Barramundi
Rock Barramundi.jpg 70000 2.0 26 80 2 Spiny Barramundi Fin Bomber: Ice Bomb Galdin Shoals Striped Barramundi
Striped Barramundi.jpg 100000 2.0 30 180 3 Barramundi Fillet Stormer: Focalor, Stormer: Royal Berry Focalor, Stormer: Chert Focalor Caem Shore, Cygillan Bounding main (royal vessel) Vesper Barramundi
Vesper Barramundi.jpg 200000 26 40 1 Spiny Barramundi Fin Hot Breather: Greenish Dragon, Big Blaze Bahamut, Large Master Typhon The Vesperpool - Islet Bizarre Barramundi
( Weird Barramundi )
Bizarre Barramundi.jpg 140000 2.0 30 180 five Barramundi Innards Deadly Waters: Sahagin Daurell Stills (daytime) Zipper Barramundi
Zipper Barramundi.jpg 60000 1.nine 26 75 2 Attachment Barramundi Fillet Deadly Waters: Sahagin, Hot Breather: Red Dragon Rachsia Bridge (night), Cygillan Sea (majestic vessel) Mighty Barramundi
( Colonel Barramundi )
Mighty Barramundi.jpg 380000 3.6 34 550 11 Mighty Barramundi Fillet Fatal Roulette: Floating Heart, Stormer: Focalor, Large Master Typhon The Vesperpool - Cape Cygillan Sea Bass (small)
( Cygilla Body of water Bass (small) )
Cygillian Sea Bass.jpg 40000 1.2 18 10 1 Sea Bass Fillet Stormer: Focalor, Stormer: Chert Focalor Gondola Marina, Furgola Canal, Cygillan Body of water (royal vessel) Cygillan Body of water Bass (big)
( Cygilla Sea Bass (large) )
Cygillian Sea Bass.jpg 80000 1.vii 26 l 1 Sea Bass Fillet Stormer: Focalor, Stormer: Chert Focalor Gondola Marina, Furgola Canal, Cygillan Sea (royal vessel) Lucinian Ocean Bass
Lucinian Sea Bass.jpg 100000 ii.4 26 95 2 Body of water Bass Fillet Whiskers: Pearly Moogle, Knife T. Tonberry, Stormer: Purple Berry Focalor Gondola Marina, Sonelio Plaza, Cygillan Bounding main (royal vessel) Dark Allural Bounding main Bass
( Dim Alluro Sea Bass )
Dark Allural Sea Bass.jpg 120000 one.8 26 160 3 Sea Bass Fillet Deadly Waters: Coraldevil, Whiskers: Chocolate, Big Blaze Bahamut Caem Shore (evening), Cygillan Sea (regal vessel) Allural Sea Bass
( Alluro Bounding main Bass )
Allural Sea Bass.jpg 90000 1.8 xxx 200 5 Allural Sea Bass Fillet Whiskers: Pearly Moogle Galdin Shoals (evening) Coral Allural Sea Bass
( Tubby Alluro Body of water Bass )
Coral Allural Sea Bass.jpg 230000 3.2 24 75 2 Allural Sea Bass Fillet Whiskers: Crystal Sonelio Plaza, Furgola Culvert Copper Allural Sea Bass
( Copper Alluro Sea Bass )
Copper Allural Sea Bass.jpg 240000 2.four 28 120 iii Allural Sea Bass Fillet Whiskers: Chocolate Galdin Shoals (evening), Caem Shore (evening) Scorpion Grouper
Scorpion Grouper.jpg 700000 2.6 32 380 6 Grouper Peel Big Blaze Bahamut Gondola Marina (evening) Pigeon Grouper
Pigeon Grouper.jpg 300000 2.3 22 75 2 Grouper Bones Whiskers: Pearly Moogle Sonelio Plaza (forenoon) Cygillan Grouper
( Cygilla Grouper )
Cygillian Grouper.jpg 160000 2.1 26 100 iii Grouper Skin Whiskers: Chocolate Galdin Shoals, Caem Shore (night) Tide Grouper
Tide Grouper.jpg 180000 2.7 32 400 6 Tide Grouper Fillet Ranker Tonberry, Hot Sabbatical: Red Dragon, Big Blaze Bahamut Caem Shore, Gondola Marina, Cygillan Sea (purple vessel) Murk Grouper
( Completeness Grouper )
Murk Grouper.jpg 900000 2.4 35 600 viii Murk Grouper Eye Burrower: Abyss Worm Vannath Coast Dread Grouper
( Menace Grouper )
Dread Grouper.jpg 1000000 32 650 11 Grouper Fin Big Master Typhon Vannath Declension (morning) Giant Trevally (modest)
Giant Trevally.jpg 45000 1.0 xiv 10 1 Trevally Fillet Poppeck: Chocobo, Sweet Jamming: Custard, Tidal Might Leviathan Vannath Coast, Cygillan Ocean (royal vessel) Giant Trevally (big)
Giant Trevally.jpg 75000 2.three 24 60 ane Trevally Fillet Poppeck: Chocobo, Sweet Jamming: Custard, Tidal Might Leviathan Vannath Declension, Cygillan Sea (regal vessel) Galdin Trevally
Galdin Trevally.jpg 60000 1.1 22 fifteen one Trevally Fillet Sweet Jamming: Flan, Stormer: Chert Focalor Vannath Coast, Cygillan Sea (royal vessel) Reef Trevally
( Atoll Trevally )
Reef Trevally.jpg 120000 2.1 28 120 three Trevally Scales Sweet Jamming: Custard Vannath Coast Ruby-red Trevally
Crimson Trevally.jpg 280000 3.0 22 50 ane Trevally Fin Burrower: Mad Pinkish Sandworm, Poppeck: Tinselred Chocobo Lure Galdin Shoals Glowing Barrelfish
( Celebrity Barrelfish )
Glowing Barrelfish.jpg 35000 1.1 10 10 1 Barrelfish Scales Sweetness Jamming: Mousse, Fatal Roulette: Floating Center Vannath Coast (dark), Cygillan Bounding main (majestic vessel) Cerise Barrelfish
Red Barrelfish.jpg 40000 1.3 18 15 1 Barrelfish Mucus Sugariness Jamming: Mousse Gondola Marina Blackness Barrelfish
Black Barrelfish.jpg 50000 1.5 16 15 1 Barrelfish Mucus Sweet Jamming: Mousse Galdin Shoals (night), Caem Shore (night) Dynnel Barramundi
Dynnel-Barramundi-FFXV.png 0 0.0 0 700 xiii Barramundi Goldfin Large Blaze Bahamut Leirity Seaside (twenty-four hours, dark) (royal vessel, near Cape Caem) Added in Windows and Royal Editions Nephilim Grouper
Nephilim-Grouper-FFXV.png 0 0.0 0 ? xiii Grouper Combscale Gemlight: Caster Carbuncle Altissian Isle (morning, evening, night) (royal vessel, near an island nigh to Altissia) Added in Windows and Imperial Editions Mummy Bass
Mummy Bass.jpg 0 0.0 0 3000 31 Mummy Bass Guts Majestic vessel, near Angelgard (Monster of the Deep quest) Added in Windows and Imperial Editions. Use other fish as allurement. Take hold of any fish and agree information technology on the line (do not reel it in). Sooner or later on the Mummy Bass will bite. Styrial Bluefin Tuna
Styrial Bluefin Tuna.jpg 0 0.0 0 1000 9 Bluefin Tuna Fillet Large Bonfire Bahamut Cygillan Sea (royal vessel where Bismarck shows up; accept A Second Sea God from the Maagho first) Added in Windows and Imperial Editions

How to Catch Fish in Final Fantasy 15

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